I'm jaded. Don't hate me I'm Jaded. This tiny dog who runs faster than an atom moves ran away yesterday AGAIN. We started off on the morning walk because even though probably the kid is supposed to walk him I always do and now she's hurt so I do it and that's fine. In winter at 7 AM though I do question all my life choices and wonder what the point of pets are. Back to it, we are just about to leave the drive when he pulls hard and POP the collar opens and drops.
I can literally hear his doggie glee as he takes off sprinting and I want to cry. This has happened before and it was one of my most panicked moments, but I don't have time to think I just start fast-walking after him so I don't loose sight of the beast.
I learned from last time to not sprint after him because that just tires me out and he loves it even more. So I walked, quickly, calling his name and begging the dog gods to let me catch him faster this time!!
"I cannot be doing a whole morning thing and we can't almost be late for school again!" I screamed in my head.
I think to call the mom/owner and so as I continue to panic and chase at a distance I call her up to say it happened again. I'm mad but I think I do an okay job of not showing it.
"Hey so what should I do, he is running away again?" utter disaster in my spirit. He runs towards Huntingdon Pike now, "Fu*k!" I yell into the phone..... "I wish I hadn't said THAT I think to myself."
Why he made a hair pin turn into someone else's house I will never know but I assume the dog gods and I am grateful. Me now stressing about trespassing I follow him onto their front step as their dog starts to bark.
"Sh*t! Whyyyyyy?" But the tiny bullet is cowering by their door, backed himself into a trap and I am jumping for joy. I grab him, still on the phone by the way, and put his collar back on. Test that it is secure and we walk home with me feeling angry and also more relived then I would expect.
You see I am not much of an animal person, I just really am not. I know this will get me many enemies, but I can't change who I am. I never really mention that I don't love animals because every fricking person seems to love them. So what's wrong with me?
I house and dog sit. I'm trusted, have keys to the house and know the alarms. I start out watching the kids and then the rest is history. I mean they're cute from a far, and yes tiny puppies will always be adorable, but then they grow up and their problems (huge stinking piles of sh*t if the dog is 150 pounds) get bigger too. But I let them sleep on the bed and sit on my head and when it thunders their violent shaking keeps me up all night so I just question.
Wish I could change who I am in this, I really do. It would make my life easier... but somethings though we just fake until we make them I guess. I love the dogs I watch and see, some how I love them. I just feel so guilty... I can't shake or change the feeling that it's "fake" and why can't it just be real?
Moral: Do what pays the bills and help people you like even if it means you become a dog sitter. Oh, and try not to let a morning fiasco ruin your day because I'm sure you, like me, have way too much to get done that day.